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Certifiable Outlier-Robust Geometric Perception: Robots that See through the Clutter with Confidence
Heng Yang on Certifiable Outlier-Robust Geometric Perception | Toronto AIR Seminar
Fall 2021 GRASP Seminar - Heng Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Talk 9: Luca Carlone - Certifiably Robust Geometric Perception for Robots and Autonomous Vehicles
RSS 2020 tutorial - Certifiable Robot Perception: from Global Optimization to Safer Robots
Luca Carlone - Certifiable 3D Perception: from Geometry to Global Optimization and back
Lecture 7: MIT 6.800/6.843 Robotics Manipulation (Fall 2021) | "Geometric Perception (Part 3)"
MIT 3 Minute Thesis 2021 - Heng Yang
Robotic Path Planning with Sparse Environment Representations
Robotic Sensors for Perception Algorithms
[ICRA 2022] General Place Recognition Competition Round 1: Talks and Summary
Robustness in Deep Learning: From Adversarial Attacks to Certifiable Robustness